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Tax Year

Does your home qualify for exemptions?
All applications for name changes, exemptions, appraisal changes must be presented to your local appraisal office.

To qualify for a general or disabled homestead exemption, you must own your home on January 1st. If you are 65 years of age or older, you need not own you home on January 1st. You will qualify for the over-65 exemption as soon as you turn 65, own the home, and live in it as your principal residence. Your homestead can be a separate structure, condominium, or a mobile home located on leased land, as long as you own it. Your homestead can include up to 20 acres if the land is used as your yard.

A residence may be owned by an individual through an interest in a qualifying beneficial trust and may be occupied by a trustee of a qualifying trust.

If you are not the sole owner of the home, you will receive only a portion of any qualified exemption, based on your percent of ownership.

You must use the home as your principal residence on January 1st.
Renting part of your home or using part of it for a business does not disqualify the rest of your home for the exemption. If available and you qualify, you may receive a homestead exemption and either an over 65 or disabled exemption. Persons over 65 and disabled may not qualify for both exemptions.

What home exemptions are there?
Exemptions vary with every jurisdiction. The tax base of a water district is often too small to offer exemptions. However this does not prohibit you from obtaining exemptions due you at the school and county level. Exemptions may change from year to year as the tax base of your taxing authority changes. If you think you qualify for an exemption, please contact the local appraisal district office so that they may assist you in your application.

Jurisdiction No. 521
County Harris
District Name HC MUD #221

Tax Year202220212020
M & O Levy Adj$834929.98$679873.25$671986.23
Debt Levy Adj$722101.60$699298.20$671986.23
M & O Rate0.18500000.17500000.18500
Debt Rate0.16000000.18000000.18500
Contract Rate0.00000000.00000000.00000
Road Rate0.00000000.00000000.00000
Total Rate0.34500000.35500000.37000
Tax Election Rate0.3485280              
No New Revenue Rate0.3227100              
Voter Approval Rate0.3315680              
Homestead Exemption10%              
Over 65 Exemption$5000              
Disability Exemption$5000              
Delinquent Attorney Fee20%              

Notice To Purchaser Tax Rate Publication
Tax Code 26.18:
Infomation 26.18 (1, 2, 3, 6) General Information(pdf)
Audit 26.18 (15) Latest Audit(pdf)
Current Budget 26.18 (5) Current Year Budget(pdf)
Prior Year Budget 26.18 (4) Prior Year Budget(pdf)